ABCs of media bias


Talk about media bias. Yes, we all have bias, but the press has a special duty to check facts and report the entire truth.

ABC news chastised Glenn Beck for holding the Restoring Honor rally on the anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s I Have a Dream speech. They didn't point out participation of Dr. Alveda King, his niece whose father also was assassinated, and many others of all ethnicities and political and religious persuasions.

ABC didn't mention the purpose of the event is to honor our founders and those who have fought, and many died, for our country.

ABC failed to add the event also honors the Special Operations Warrior Foundation which supports families of military who gave their lives for us.

ABC misled by leaving out the first part of the Beck statement, "Whites don't own Lincoln, and Blacks don't own Martin Luther King."

ABC left out that no signs or T-shirts with provocative political messages will be allowed because the event is not political.

Don't believe everything you see, hear or read. Check the source.

Judy Jacobs

Topaz Lake


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