Smallwood best


"Don't be Fooled," there's a crystal clear choice for Assembly 39.

We have four Republican candidates to choose from, but there is only one true conservative candidate running in Assembly District 39, Barbara Smallwood.

I would point out Barbara has the most experience and served on more committees and boards along with numerous community volunteer work than any other candidate. Barbara has made the tough decisions, Barbara Smallwood is a proven leader. While serving as a county commissioner Barbara rolled back government and made county agencies more accountable and transparent.

I will point out, the assembly is a two-year term, and we cannot waste time with a learning curve candidate, or one that can be overly influenced by the lobbyists, knowingly or even unknowingly. Barbara has the commitment and tenacity to fight for Nevadans and Assembly District 39. Our state has taxed and spent our surplus into oblivion. Now is the time to roll back this huge tax and spend attitude and live within our revenues. Now is the time for Barbara Smallwood to take my concerns and your concerns to Carson City. Check the records, I will tell you, I feel the other candidates will definitely vote to raise your taxes, and have done so in the past.

Clarence Fleming



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