Can't support Wheeler


Responding to Fred's letter to the editor, I spoke with both Fred Ciccarelli and Jim Wheeler to see if I could go along with Fred's assessment of Jim as a homespun, straight-forward conservative. I cannot.

Jim's biggest pitch for your vote is because he is not a politician. Why then is State Sen. Maurice Washington (State Sen. Bill Raggio's devotee) giving Jim free political advice for his campaign? Sen. Washington's firm, Washington and Jackson, normally charges $50,000 for services rendered. Receiving favors from politicians is what political operatives do. However, Jim told me it's out of friendship, not mutual political benefit. If you believe that, then Jim is one heck of a salesman.

Oh, it turns out that Jim is a salesman. He sells cars at Carson City Toyota. I asked Fred, his friend, supporter and long-time co-worker, why didn't Jim disclose this information on his Nevada financial disclosure statement. Gee, Fred didn't know. I think it's because the image of a car salesman trying to become a politician does not sound as good as saying you are a former CEO, tired of politics as usual. In my opinion Jim is not the straightforward guy Fred would have us believe.

Also, Jim has still not signed the taxpayer protection pledge to signify his opposition to any new taxes. Fred says Jim would sign it if someone would give it to him. I don't think so. Sen. Raggio has raged against the taxpayer protection pledge, and Sen. Washington probably advised him not to sign it. (I note that Bob Larkin, who Sen. Washington is publicly supporting, has not signed while Larkin's opponent Don Gustavson has.) My guess is Jim won't be signing this pledge because his true beliefs are not that conservative.

Finally, and most importantly, Jim's economic plan is a joke. His friend Fred can't even explain it in words. His plan to raise $1 billion through a small business tax moratorium and depositing state money into state chartered banks is pie in the sky. We have to cut spending, and I wouldn't count on Jim.

The only true conservative Republican running for District 39 Assembly is Barbara Smallwood. Put your faith in her. She is a straight shooter, has signed the taxpayer protection pledge and will cut the spending.

Jeanne Shizuru



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