Voters take charge


I am halfway though my 87th year. I served in WWII to save this nation, and I now am watching our exceptionalism gradually being diminished. I do not know the answers why, but I do know that the fate of the nation is decided in the voting booth, and to that extent, a wretchedly uninformed electorate is in control. Our tax supported education system is a miserable failure, at least in terms of educating the young of the deep effort that formed this nation to be guided by an easily read and understood Constitution that is simply not being taught. Aided and abetted in the failed understanding is the effort of the radical left news media - an exception is The Record-Courier - that tells the public how it should vote.

Letter writer Cory Baird is on the right track in warning that absent some clearly defined alternative, Harry Reid shall likely return, and it is his people who are pushing the nomination of Sue Lowden, the beauty queen, because they know they can beat her.

Reid, to his credit, arose from less than modest origins, but he never entered the world of the capitalism engine. Instead, he has noshed at the public trough his entire career, but there he is, telling the marketplace how to conduct its business. About three to four years ago, the Washington publication Human Events characterized him as mean, and nasty, a tag that was followed in the Washington Times where he was called the leading name caller, and obstructionist. President G.W. Bush can certainly attest to that. The Times also pointed out that his sons had been paid several hundred thousand dollars as lobbyists, and if you are awake you know what lobbyists do. They buy up politicians. One of those sons now wants to be your governor. Watch out.

One last word about political selection, and please forget about party identification, but rather dig a little deeper in assessing the fitness of those who want you vote. I wanted no part of the fence straddling John McCain, so I researched the resume of the person with the Muslim name. He came from the corrupt, and dirty Chicago political machine which was a warning, and the more I looked, the worse it got, and all my fears are realized as this Marxist trained person is driving this nation into a train wreck. I have lost my hearing so, charming speaker or not, I have applied the reality of "your actions speak so loud that I cannot hear what you are saying!"

Those of you who understand the Constitution realize that a president has very limited powers, and that the Congress of the United States makes all the rules, and spends all the money, not the president.

So take note of the fact that the Eurocrats on Capitol Hill who are largely products of the radical 60s, have been directing this nation going on four years, and they, along with their legislative creations have caused the misdirections of this nation, not the Bushes, the Congress, and now they have their type of Marxist leader to ok their wrong headed legislation, and the now destructive over-reach of government. Well, the voters put them there.

Vernon M. Latshaw



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