Where are the jobs?


Of Americans interviewed as to the most pressing issue we face, the great majority stated it was the loss of jobs. In spite of what Harry Reid tells us bout the jobs he's "created" Nevada has more unemployment than California. The Obama administration has been bragging about the jobs bill that was passed. They don't seem to understand the psychology of employment - that it's small business which creates lasting jobs.

The new Obamacare bill places severe restrictions on the small business community:

1. Government audit of books of self-insured employers.

2. No company can sue government on price fixing.

3. Employers must auto-enroll employees into the public option plan.

4. Employers must pay health care for part time employees and their families

5. Employers with payroll 401K and above who do not provide public option will pay an 8 percent tax on all payroll.

Now what small business employer will want to hire new workers under these conditions? None. I predict the job market will worsen considerably under this scheme.

It is interesting to note that many congress people whose districts were against the Obamacare bill but voted for it said they voted their conscience. They don't understand they were elected to vote the will of the people they represent.

Dan Ballard



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