Graduation report


I was honored to be invited to attend the graduation affair at Douglas High. A nephew, family and all that. Hundreds of graduating kids and more hundreds of parents, some sighing relief and others beaming with pride. I was impressed with the speeches made by the kids and wishing the officials would take a page from their books, making their's as brief as possible too. Some kept it short and sweet while others seemed to like the sound of their own voices.

If I had to take away a negative from the event, it would reflect

more upon the adults than the grads. I was especially surprised and disappointed when the principal from Diamond Valley (sorry, didn't catch the name) and our own school board member, Randy Green, couldn't find it within themselves to place their hand over their respective hearts when the national anthem and our flag were being presented. I suppose Mr. Green was practicing for the Presidency of the United States, since our own president has participated in non-flag recognition as well.

Anyway, congrats to all those kids that are now being thrown into the quagmire called adulthood. May you go forth and prosper.

Rick Campbell



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