Keep motocross track


Why shouldn't the county get rid of the motocross track? This subject can go either way, but I think that it should stay. For one, it keeps the kids, as well as the adults entertained and helps them stay out of trouble. It might be loud to some of the older residents, but it keeps the riders from using the roads as a place to practice their tricks, and to transport bikes from place to place without disturbing the other drivers. There are some pros and cons of keeping this track.

The pro side involves that most motocross riders have self contained RVs or something to that matter to keep the traffic to a minimum. This helps on the major roads such as Dump Road, where the track is located. The money is coming in from all the riders and the spectators to use the track, and the water to keep the dust to a minimum. Another pro is that kids are getting more involved in outdoor activities. Keeping this track will help kids do well in school.

Ninety-nine percent of youth are keeping up their grades due to outdoor activities or sports. They also are staying active which is making them stay in excellent shape. People in the community are less likely to get into trouble. They would be more focused on the sport than on getting into trouble. Families also get involved with the sport. They support their child and/or spouse. If the rider gets the families support they are more likely to do well in a race.

Water is an issue. When the water is being put on the track, it is to reduce the dust. If the water weren't there to help with the dust, it would go into people's houses and maybe make it difficult for them to breathe.

Another bad thing is that the track would be close to the animal shelter, and it might be too noisy for the dogs. As I said before, it is a good thing for the kids and adults to have something to keep them out of trouble. So keeping the track would be a useful thing for the community.

Dakota Stephan



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