Barack flawed


I would like to know the percentage of bright people duped into voting for this progressive Svengali. Obama has stated that "the Constitution is flawed." No Barack, you are flawed. Can you Imagine Obama debating his views with Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Madison, Jay, Mason, Franklin, Hamilton, etal. Given the possibility, he lacks the intelligence, courage or love of this country to participate in such a debate. It is his goal to destroy the Republic bequeathed to us.

Obama was immersed in progressive ideology by his mother, father, step father, grandmother, Franklin Davis (an avowed Marxist tutor in Hawaii), and his associates at Occidental, Columbia and at Harvard (the latter three recorded in his own words). In the U.S. Senate he reflected this history by voting to the left of all senators.

In Chicago he fell in with Ayers (who unrepententedly bombed the Pentagon and other "enemy" facilities), Tony Rezko (a Chicago thug who facilitated the purchase of his home and is now in jail), Calypso Louie Farrakhan, Khalidi, Mayor Daly, and Rev. Jeremiah Wright (Who states repeatedly, "God damn America"). After 20 years in Wright's congregation Obama never noticed that Wright was anti-Semitic and anti-American.

The Obama conversion to Christianity was a political necessity. According to the Koran he was then an apostate, not good news. But is he an apostate? For worldwide consumption, like all good Christians, he celebrated the end of Ramadan in the White House (oddly enough this was reported by our media). On Christmas day, like all good Christians, he worked out with Michelle and played golf. Obama's problem now is that he is transparent, something to be avoided at all costs. Without knowledge of the "Cloward Piven" strategy, or Alinski tactics employed on them, Americans are reacting viscerally to being deceived by a man committed to destroying our Republic and reducing us to a Socialist nirvana. Fortunately buyers' remorse is flourashing and none to soon. Unfortunately we sent Reid, the dimmest bulb in Searchlight, to abet Princess Pelosi and the malevolent "Messiah."

We can atone by tossing the lot of them out.

Dick Witzig



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