Cap and tax, tax, tax


Few have said that I have not been clear in my evaluation of Barack Obama, his cohorts in the executive branch, and the social progressives in Congress but I will reiterate nonetheless. This ignominious cabal has doubled our deficit and legislatively accrued debt in excess of the first 233 years of our republic. This debt must be serviced by further borrowing or taxation. In either case future generations will be impoverished. Government spending as a solution to recession or depression (e.g. our 1930s) has never worked. Japan in the 1990s was the last victim of this fallacious economic policy. Given this history of failure, who in their right mind would adopt a policy doomed for failure? Was failure the goal? We've been told that Barack is bright. Do you think that the predictable catastrophic result of this policy is unknown to him?

Having passed the Omnibus bill, our Congress is going to attempt to pass "cap and trade" (knee cap and tax) legislation which historically would be the most massive tax ever imposed on our citizens. It is predicated on "global warming" while the planet is actually cooling (please check the facts), and the absurdity that CO2 is a noxious gas (you are exhaling it). It is also a historical fact that CO2 levels have no bearing on the earth's temperature (please check this assertion). "Manmade global" warming is the biggest hoax ever perpetrated. It has been debunked by hundreds of scientists expert in the field of climatology (please verify). While you may not be privy to this information (fault media complicity) our policy makers in DC are. This bill would impose a devastating burden on our industries and necessarily inflate all energy related costs. Utility bills would skyrocket. Think "a light switch tax" (Senator Mitch Mc Connell). Knowing this, who would impose such damning legislation?

National health is the next goal of the cabal. The "bait" is coverage for everyone but the "switch" is that you can't get the care! Care is strictly rationed by bureaucratic rule. This is the case in every country suffering this system. Those with the means come here for care. That's a clue. I have intimate knowledge of the dysfunctional nature of national health, specifically in England. No knowledgeable American would opt for such care. Given the miserable experience of those subject to a "national health" system, who would want to impose it on us?

An attack is pending on your 2nd amendment right "to keep and bear arms." Who would disarm you and deprive you of the right to defend to yourself? An attack is pending on the 1st amendment the goal of which is to censor or eliminate conservative talk radio. Who would do that? Legislation is planned to give amnesty to millions of illegal aliens, thousands of whom are felons (MS 13 types). Who and why would anyone do that?

I have pondered the answer to the aforementioned questions. Surely no one is that stupid? Some might suspect derangement. Unfortunately, the answer is that it is the policy of the Obama administration. To add insult to injury, we are presumed to be gullible idiots.

Dick Witzig



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