The R-C Morning Report

The request for the variance for the Carson Valley Inn's sign goes before planning commissioners today. The variance is required because the casino is moving the sign, and the code has changed since the original was put up a quarter of a century ago. The new sign will have a reader board. Also on the agenda is a request to change the lots at 1592 and 1594 Mono Ave. from multi-family residential to multi-family residential with an office overlay. Planning commissioners meet 1 p.m. in the Douglas County Administrative Building, 1616 Eighth St. They're having lunch at Cafe Girasole.

Sierra Crest Academy's decision not to renew their charter is before school board trustees this afternoon at their regular meeting. The district sponsors the school, whose board voted to close the doors. School board members are scheduled to hear the item no earlier than 4:20 p.m. Future charter schools will be sponsored through the state. The board will also discuss a bond resolution to put the bond money approved by voters in 2008 to work. The school board meets 3:30 p.m. at Douglas High School.

There are a few road controls out so far this morning, including Highway 50 for three miles on either side of Spooner Junction and on Highway 28 around to Incline Village. Highway 88 and Interstate 80 both require chains or four-wheel drive.

We had a snow shower sometime last night. A larger storm is due to arrive later this morning is crossing California, and its first tendrils are north east of Reno. The National Weather Service is backing off on the snow prediction, saying that there's a 60 percent chance of precipitation today between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. with Valley accumulation of less than half an inch.


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