Support group wins top parade of lights award

A support group for students who suffer bullying won the judges best award in the annual Parade of Lights on Saturday.

Scarred Hearts in Need of Encouragement had the best float in the parade, judges said. It was the group's first float since its inception last month.

High Sierra Fellowship won the award for best non-profit or service club, 4H won the youth float category and Starbucks won best business float.

The Town of Minden float, which carried the outgoing members of the town board, won the award for best government float.

SHINE was founded by Sierra Lutheran High School sophomore Jessica Olsen. The group offers support for students who are being bullied.

It meets at the Douglas County Public Library in Minden, 5-6:30 p.m. second and fourth Wednesdays of the month beginning in January. Location to be determined; information, Debbie Posnien, Suicide Prevention Network, 783-1510.


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