Back to school barbecue Friday

Marine Corps Community Services along with local businesses and organizations have joined together to hold a barbecue Friday, Aug. 20 from 3 to 6 p.m. This fun evening is so everyone can meet the teachers and have some barbecued hamburgers, hot dogs and the trimmings. There will be a bounce house, raffle prizes and giveaways, too. Bring your kids to the Marine & Family Services Center, 700 Champagne Avenue, in Coleville Family Housing. You can get more information by calling Tessa LoPresto at (760) 932-1521.

Walker Senior Center

Friday, Aug. 20 at 12:30 p.m. is a meeting for the community put on by the Mono County Sheriff's office. They will discuss three topics: hospice outreach to our community, what is Code Red, and mortuary services across the state line. RSVP for this informative meeting at (530) 495-2323.

Aug. 23 will be the Walker Senior Center's monthly Movie Monday. The movie this month is "Good Boy," about an intergalactic dog coming to Earth.

Aug. 25 will be the monthly senior birthday party at noon. It is always fun, and those with August birthdays will get a special present, as well as some delicious birthday cake shared with their friends.

Protect your home

As always, this time of year, the risk is out there for damage from random fires, either started on your property or in the wildland. Please be sure of these important things to do:

1. Remove dead shrubs, fallen branches and dried leaves from around your home.

2. Don't let tree branches hang down into plants or grasses on the ground, as they allow a fire to climb into the trees and become much worse.

3. Make sure your driveway is accessible and has your address visibly posted.

4. Keep woodpiles and fuel tanks at least 30 feet from your home.

Being careful can prevent a disastrous event from happening, so please take care of these things.

Lynne Katusich can be reached at or (530) 495-2552.


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