Friends of Rebecca Martin gather to help family

"You don't know me, but we saw Rebecca in a play," one woman said to Rebecca Martin's father, Shane, on Wednesday night at the Minden McDonald's. "We just want you to know our prayers are with her."

"Wow," Martin said as people came up and shook his hand.

It has been nearly a month since 11-year-old Rebecca was struck by a car while on her way home from getting ice cream with her grandmother in Los Angeles.

Shane Martin said there are signs that Rebecca is healing slowly.

"Every other day she does something that impresses the doctors, like raising her arm or crossing her legs, or following a teddy bear with her eyes," he said. "It's been very slow, but she's showing progress."

According to the Caring Bridge Web site, Rebecca is awake, but not responsive. On Friday morning, there had been more than 23,000 visits to the site.

Martin and older daughter Victoria were at the McDonald's for a fundraiser. The restaurant donated 20 percent of the proceeds from its 4-8 p.m. dinner rush to Rebecca's cause.

People packed the restaurant, to help out and offer their best wishes for Rebecca's recovery.

"Things have been really hard," said Victoria Martin, a Pau-Wa-Lu student. "I try not to let it show. It's been harder for my mom and dad."

Victoria's mother, Sabrina, hasn't left Rebecca's bed side since the accident occurred on Aug. 13. Rebecca was crossing Eagle Rock Boulevard a few feet ahead of her grandmother as they were coming home from the store. Cars in two lanes were stopped, but a third car sped between the two stopped cars, hitting her and throwing her 15-20 feet in the air.

Shane Martin said he was told by a Los Angeles Police Department officer investigating the accident that the woman driving the car was distracted.

Victoria, who has acted in several plays with her sister, thanked all the people who have shown their support, especially Theater of Arts Discipline operators Kris and Rich Garrett

"The biggest thank-you goes to the Garretts and all the people who helped out," Victoria said. "Without them it would be so much harder."

Betty Cotton, who is the mother of one of Rebecca's friends, works at the McDonald's and approached her manager to ask if they could help. He contacted the owners and they approved of the fundraiser.

The Garretts have been helping with other fundraisers, including a concert last weekend that raised more than $8,000, Shane Martin said.

More than 200 people attended the concert, where Douglas High School graduate Michael Magno and others performed.


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