Congress is worst


This Congress had to be the absolute worst in the history of America. This includes Democrats, Republicans and Independents. There are a few exceptions from all parties who love this country and want the best for it, but they are so few that their voices have been drowned out.

By and large this Congress is the most arrogant, self-centered, obscene, tunnel- visioned, vindictive and dishonest on record. The great majority of them never lived through the Great Depression so don't know the value of money (they think we can just print more when needed to cover the $9 trillion deficit). Most never had to work for wages, so don't understand the work ethic. They have also been brought up with situational ethics, so don't know right from wrong (to their way of thinking you're right if you don't get caught and wrong if you do).

This is why they think illegals should have full citizenship, no matter that they broke the law in coming here. This Congress believes they are an "oligarchy," separate from the rest of us peons. Rep. Dean Heller proposed an amendment to outrageous healthcare bill they are trying to ram down our throats. It was to include congress people in the plan and was immediately shot down in committee. This alone should make every thinking American suspicious. This "American oligarchy" also refuses to pay into Social Security like the rest of us. They'd rather have their own generous health plan and overgenerous retirement paid for by us. They also have their own fleet of polluting jets to fly about the country and overseas. They are presided over by the "Wicked Witch of the West" and "Dr. Evil."

Abraham Lincoln said, "My fellow citizens, we cannot escape history," but this Congress thinks we can. Every country that has tried socialized medicine has found it to fail. A very modified or limited version has done better but not much. Seventy percent of the residents of the United Kingdom want their medical system changed. Medical services are so rationed it takes several months to get treatment and by that time patients have died. A few years ago Hawaii tried to provide health care for all its children and it almost bankrupted the state. Parents whose kids already had health insurance saw it as a free lunch.

Clearly, this Congress has violated the 10th Amendment and usurped powers "not delegated to the us" which are reserved to the states respectively." They have no power to run banks, the auto industry or health care.

There is little difference between their actions than that of the Nazi hierarchy under Hitler and the communist bosses under Stalin.

Dan Ballard



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