Don't wait for help


I read with great interest the letter from LaVerne Jory about corrupt politicians. What was not mentioned was why they were voted into office and why their corruption was allowed to grow until we were in our current situation. There were other choices on the ballot who may have made better decisions.

Basically each of us has to take more responsibility as to the direction our lives are going. We cannot sit back and let someone else make those decisions for us only to complain about the results.

Yes, politicians are hired to do a job. If they are not doing that job, fire them and get someone else. Don't re-elect them. Read the paper, listen to the news, join local political organizations and get active and informed.

Our problems did not happen overnight. They have been building over many years. Everyone who had foresight and planned accordingly is suffering a little bit less.

Don't just write letters to the editor, write letters to your local as well as state representatives. Let them know how you feel about what they are doing.

Take back your life.

Richard Girod



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