Commissioners should focus


I think there were some decisions made at the last county commissioner's meeting on May 12, that people need to be made more aware. Although I could write a book on the procedure for the approval of the motocross track, there was something else that seemed worse.

At the open microphone session, there was a gentleman who was asking for his job to be saved at the road department. They were cutting the jobs from 10 to eight. One man was retiring and he was being laid off. The commissioners thanked him, with no other comments. I realize in this time of financial hardships, decisions have to be made.

What followed in the itemized agenda items seemed totally inappropriate. There was an agenda item that was to give $100,000 to Genoa for economic development. Two people spoke in favor of it, from Genoa and with minimal discussion it was approved. I do not know if there are extenuating circumstances, but it seems like the function of our county commissioners is to be an extension of the chamber of commerce. I would like someone to explain to the county residents, why we are giving $100,000 to the most affluent community in the Valley and yet laying off workers in the road department, which is already undermanned?


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