Republicans lost for a reason


I am getting extreme enjoyment reading and watching the losers (Republicans) of the last two elections. I'm referring to Mr. Fournier's letter. Like Fox News, he gets it wrong. He missed the point of Chuck Lacey's letter, but hey, if all you watch are Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity, I can't blame you. If anyone wants to really be entertained, you should listen to those two and several other so-called "conservatives" on TV and the radio. These guys are nothing but Rush Limbaugh wannabes " no one mixes truth, half-truths and lies better than Mr. Excellence in Broadcasting.

These guys know what they are doing " playing to the anger and fears of their listeners. Hey, who isn't angry about what has happened in our country, and who isn't fearful of our future? Limbaugh, Hannity and a real piece of work, Mark Levin, can bluster all they want about the new guy, but when it comes down to it, John McCain and Sarah Palin lost. And they lost for a reason. The Republicans lost the White House, the Senate and Congress in just two years. Why? George Bush and the "fiscally sound" party failed miserably.

Mr. Fournier, you can't say Bush didn't have the support of the American people. That is a lie. I'm not calling you a liar. You're just repeating what my man Sean over at Fox says during his every waking moment. President Bush's approval rating was high until his leadership capabilities, international ignorance and character flaws began to show. In the interest of brevity, I won't list his numerous mistakes and judgements. How else does one explain why a man with relatively little experience, a liberal agenda and a strange name can get elected President of the United States in 2008?

I'm with Mr. Lacey on this one " give the new guy a chance. He isn't for socialism, and he ain't comin' after our pistols. And as far as the president standing up against Fox News " you're kidding, right? May I humbly suggest, if all the Obama bashing, true or not, is making anyone angry, buy some golf clubs. It's out of our hands.

Kevin Tierney



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