Hail to the chief, of the class, that is

Sherese Settelmeyer went to Washington, D.C., as a member of the 2009 graduating class of the Silver State Excellence in Public Service Series.

The Gardnerville resident and wife of Assemblyman James Settelmeyer, R-Gardnerville, spent a week in the nation's capital, training and touring.

"It was a fantastic trip," she said. "We toured all of D.C."

A half dozen women were involved, but only three saw it through, Sherese said.

"There were just three of us who made it through to Fellow status," she said.

Sherese was named class president. Lyon County resident Heidi Cruz and Washoe County resident Alandra Porrazzo also completed the 40-hour curriculum.

All three were Nevada's representatives in Washington, D.C., April 29 and 30.

I heard from Gardnerville resident Sandy Danielson, who wanted to warn people to make sure they keep an eye out while strangers are in their homes.

Someone walked out with Sandy's little fireproof safe while she was doing her sewing. In these days when people are doing extra work to raise money, Sandy takes in sewing.

A man called her and asked if he could bring over some pants to be altered. He remained in the home while Sandy did her work and then, when he was gone, so was her safe.

"I had a funny feeling that something was not right, so I called the sheriff's office," she said.

Sandy said the lesson cost her $400, money she was saving up for a new clutch for her car.

"Every time I get a little extra cash I put it in the safe," she said. "I was raised to trust people."

Home-schooled students who are graduating this year are welcome send in their photos to be included in our annual Salute to Seniors publication to photo@recordcourier.com


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