Genoans vote to bury power lines

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A plan to bury Genoa's downtown power lines and install historic-appearing streetlights topped the list of five projects established for the town's 2009-10 work plan.

Town Manager Sheryl Gonzales said the other four are: completion of the Carson Street drainage project; the Economic Development Citizen Committee; supporting efforts to complete a walking path along Foothill Road between the town and Walley's Resort, and conducting research towards enlarging Genoa by annexation of properties to the east and north.

"The town board decided unanimously to pursue these projects in the coming fiscal year," Gonzales said. "There were a number of projects under consideration, but these five emerged as the most important."

The undergrounding and street light project will be undertaken in phases, she said, beginning with the downtown business section and then extending outward along Jacks Valley Road, Foothill Road and Genoa Lane.

The completed project could cost as much as $2.5 million.

A citizen's committee has been formed to coordinate different aspects of the project, such as seeking grants for funding and obtaining accurate cost estimates. The committee will meet March 26.

The Carson Street drainage project will prevent Carson Street drainage water from flooding the downtown area in heavy storms. It will take water eastward under Main Street into Ranch No. 1, formerly the Trimmer Ranch.

The five member Genoa Town Advisory Board is chaired by Brian Williams. Other members are Dave Whitgob, Greg Pace, Karen Holmes, and Jenn King.


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