Symposium touches key points in lives

For two hours tonight, experts on teenage behavior will provide a map to the minefield that is adolescent life.

The symposium is 5:30-7:30 p.m. at Douglas High School. The Douglas High School Key Club will be providing free childcare.

It's not all about teen drug use, though that is by far the thing that will affect the most people.

Two teens killed themselves since Jan. 1, 2008, a small percentage of Douglas County's two dozen suicides over the same period of time, but far too high. Being informed on the signs of suicide could prevent much heartache.

Strangers enter our homes a dozen times every day trying to entice us to share our bank accounts, social security number or our personal information. For children that bombardment includes a seamier side. Keeping them safe is the topic of the Internet safety session.

Not all the seminars at the symposium have a negative twist. Maintaining a healthy relationship with a teenager can prevent a lot of trouble down the road.

It's a pity that participants can only attend two sessions.

Perhaps parents can get together and compare notes at a subsequent meeting.


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