Health care reform now


I wonder if the people who yell the loudest about not wanting national health care are the ones who already have health care, either being rich enough to afford their own, or have it through their employer or Medicare. If you were ever without health care, I wonder if you prayed that you wouldn't get sick or injured so you couldn't work or care for yourself and your loved ones. How can our elected officials complain about the cost when they and their families have health care for which we are paying? Maybe we should take their health care away until they come up with a solution. Of course we won't because that would not be fair. Where is their logic in denying it to their citizens? They seem to be able to pay the bills, to wage war, to prop up financial businesses and stimlate the economy but they balk at being sure we are healthy. It doesn't make sense to me.

Right now my husband and I are waiting until his employment probation is up and we will be able to breathe easier because we will have medical insurance. And we will be grateful for it. I just pray we stay healthy and in one piece until that time comes.

I pray for all those not as fortunate as we will be, that they too will have the opportunity for health care someday. So they can be well, prosper and continue to make this a great country. No one can do that if they are sick or broken. And I pray that our elected officials will have the wisdom and guts to bring us all the opportunity for good affordable health care. And, by the way, stop the rhetoric and back biting. We are too smart to buy the grandstanding too.

Diana Furness



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