Look for opportunites to partner with the Lord

In John 6:5-13, we see the miracle of Jesus taking five barley loaves and two small fish to feed 5,000 men. Before Jesus multiplies the bread and fish, He asks Philip, "Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?"

Jesus asks Philip, "Do you see the need these people have?" I love that Jesus doesn't ask, "what should I do?" or "what should you do?"

Philip has the chance to do something with Jesus, who wants to partner with us in our hearts, attitudes, and actions. When we see a need, it's an opportunity to partner with Jesus.

Every day we see the needs of people. We may help with words of encouragement or with food for the hungry. We may have to stop to pray with someone we meet.

"There's nothing I can do. I don't have the means," Philip says. In other words, "don't do anything, Jesus."

Then Andrew offers the loaves and fish with the attitude of "I don't have much Jesus, but here's what I have for you to do with what you can."

Andrew wasn't asked yet offers what he found. He saw a need, heard Jesus ask Philip the question and steps forward with the little he could. What a picture of a willing vessel wanting to be used to reflect the love of the Lord.

Jesus asks us the same question many times every day: "What can you and I do about this need Ron?" Most of the time when see a person in need, our answer to Jesus is, "I'm in a hurry" or "What could I possibly do to help?"

I don't believe we're mean or callous people. Most of us want to help where we can. We want to reflect God's love, acceptance, forgiveness to others, but our attitudes and hearts become like Philip's and we do nothing.

After Andrew offers the bread and fish, Jesus says, "Have the people sit down." Jesus is saying that if we have Andrew's attitude and help someone in need, see what we can do together! Jesus said the Kingdom of God is at hand.

When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray, Jesus included "Thy Kingdom come" in that prayer. The Kingdom is here now and is ruled by love, mercy, grace, and forgiveness. These virtues should shape our actions to reflect the heart of God.

After the crowd's need is met and everyone was full, there was still food left. When we partner with Jesus to reach out to someone, the need will be fully satisfied and with the possibility of an abundance of that filling. The person who needed a touch of hope will be so filled with hope that hope is oozing all over them and they are now able to touch someone with the hope they have been filled with.

It's the same with love, encouragement, acceptance. Whatever we reach out with, in Jesus' name, is multiplied to fill the need that's there with such abundance that it can be carried on and touch other lives too.

Experience the joy of the Lord and walk with eyes wide open looking for opportunities as the Holy Spirit places others in your path so you can be an Andrew.

Cornerstone Christian Fellowship will be hosting vacation Bible school, July 13-17.

Ron Mogab is pastor of Cornerstone Christian Fellowship and is a member of the Carson Valley Ministers' Association.


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