Obama failing


Among other things since his inauguration Obama caused the trial of USS Kohl attacker al Nashiri to be aborted, and revealed our enhanced intelligence techniques that spared an attack on LA to our enemies in contravention to the advice of all of the CIA directors, including his own, dating to the Clinton administration. He has recommended cutting the defense budget and is especially interested in cutting missile defense funding. He believes, and would have us believe, that he can charm our avowed enemies into forsaking nuclear ambitions.

His narcissism blinds reality at our expense. He believes his extraordinary IQ (mind, you've never seen his grades) compensates for our stupiditity.

Our enemies are taking measure of Obama and they are not fearful Israel, on the other hand, is fearful because of his perceived weakness and subrosa bias to Muslims ($400 million aid to Hamas). Subrosa? His commitment to close Guantanamo without a plan makes him look like a buffoon. His narcissism prevents him from acknowledging the error.

His budget proposal is four times greater than George Bush's of 2008. He stated later that the proposed debt was "unsupportable."

The insurmountable budgetary debt Obama intends to accrue (trillions of dollars) has been termed "generational theft" because our children, their children and grandchildren will be burdened with the payoff. He promised "transparency" in government and decried "earmarks." He promptly signed a bill of 1,079 pages with almost 9,000 "earmarks" that neither he, nor Congress, nor the public had read. It is hard to imagine, but he makes Pinocchio and Bill Clinton look truthful.

While not abroad disparaging our country to the delight of our enemies Barack is working diligently on our energy policy. Committing billions of dollars to solar and wind energy development. He is opposed to tapping Anwar, Bakken, or offshore oil... period. This leaves us dependent on our enemies. He resists building nuclear power plants (France gets 75 percent of its power safely from nuclear plants....we get 25 percent), resists building refineries (none built in 30 years) resists use of coal power and would have you believe that what you exhale is a noxious gas. While global warming has been debunked by thousands of climatologists and the planet is cooling,the ecomarxists intend to legislate cap and trade (tax) predicated on a global warming hoax. This is a monumental tax on 100 percent of our nation. Why would anyone intentionally burden our industry and our people with such imbecilic and catastrophic policy? It's socialism a la Obama.

Dick Witzig



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