Re-elect no one


I guess we have all heard about that South Carolina governor and his escapades to Argentina on Fathers Day to see his "not-so- secret lover" instead of being with his wife and children on this very important day. He even told his office to give out a press release that he was hiking on the Appalachian Trail (which by the way is not even in South Carolina).

The point of my commentary is: We have way too many people like this in our government, be it state or federal. We need to take our country back, all the way back to our Constitution.

This means at our next two elections we have to vote against all the incumbents. We need to start over with a clean slate.

Just take a good look at all our so-called "representatives" whether state or federal, Republicans or Democrats, and you will find that most of them seem to think that they have a life- time job.

They have forgotten that they are public servants.

They are now on the public payroll and on top of that taking money from special interest groups. This all comes down to one common denominator: They have forgotten who elected them in the first place.

How can we change that? First of all re-elect nobody who is presently serving in government.

No. 2, make sure we have strict term limits, no more than two terms for anybody, regardless of who they are. We do have to take our country back. We can not clean a barrel of apples by leaving three rotten ones in there.

The same holds true for our country. By the way, keep up the "Boston tea parties" across this nation. Nothing is more powerful than the voice of the people.

Remember Ronald Reagan.

"The most terrifying words in the English language are: 'I am from the government, and I am here to help.'"

Dieter Hoffman



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