There are only so many customers to go around


Concerning "Large commercial project proposed for Gardnerville" on July 5, I find it hard to understand how these land owners, engineers and planners can come up with wonderful plans for building yet another empty commercial development. Just where do they plan on finding customers to keep these "three anchor tenants" in town. Clearly the empty stores at Topsy Lane have proven that the buying power of Carson Valley is marginal at best.

And certainly we can't expect TRE or customers from Mono County to fill our shortfall. It's about time we realize we can't assume an infinite supply of customers just because the "studies" ignore the true facts.

So far every development study done to date in the Valley assumes the same existing customers come to their development and not to anyone else's. The real world is not like that. There are just a given number of customers here to spread between all the existing and proposed developments. If someone gains a customer then some other company loses a customer.

Bob Chambers



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