Music out and art in

We are so going to miss Heather Keuhner who has been the Guitar Heroes music teacher at Pinon Hills Elementary School for this past year. She will be moving to Jacks Valley Elementary School for the next year. Replacing her today will be Val Dearborn as the art teacher for this next year.

In my neighbors' front yard, which is mostly sagebrush, there are too many quail to count. Most of the quail I see here are the California quail. They are very distinct because the male has a black topknot. I love to listen to all the birds singing.

Years ago we had a wonderful pet farm in Vista, Calif., that raised exotic birds. For many years on my parents' anniversary I would buy them a pair of birds. He had ring-necked pheasants, golden pheasants, guinea fowl, peacocks and chukar. My dad especially would enjoy bringing family and friends to the aviary to see his colorful collection.

I actually bought them a pair of bobwhite quail which is quite a coincidence since they live on Bob White Lane. Unfortunately, one year neighborhood dogs got into the pen and ate all the birds. None of us have had the heart to want to try it again because not only of the investment, but why tempt the dogs?

This is off the subject, but it's why I don't have cats or chickens anymore. It was kind of like having a big sign up for the coyotes: "Free dinner at Lisa's house." Doesn't sound good to me.

Recently there are a lot of finches, especially the American goldfinch variety. I've seen some red but the yellow in my area seem to be much more prevalent. In the early morning or just before sunset it is so nice to sit out on the porch swing and listen to all the noises.

When we used to live in San Diego we had wildlife but not like here. The lifestyle there was always in such a hurry. I love living here in northern Nevada and being able to appreciate our skies at night and our wildlife. We do have a good life here if we stop and pay attention to it. Have a great week!

n Lisa Welch is a Johnson Lane resident and can be reached at 267-9350.


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