Anybody out there got their ears on?

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Crazy, the things that stick in your mind. I remember when I was first exposed to citizen band radios and CB talk. "Anybody out there got their ears on?" was one of the first expressions I picked up. Of course, it meant, "Is anybody out there listening, hearing my voice, maybe willing to chat a bit?"

Today, I thought of people who know God and those who don't know God. Oh sure, there are those who say they believe there's a God. But do they know for sure? Do they have a personal relationship with God?

For those who say they are believers, there's a wonderful passage I just finished studying with our church about people making time to listen as well as making themselves available to hear. It's found in Matthew 13:1-23. In the passage, it talks about people who have ears, taking time and using them to listen - making themselves available for God.

In the middle, Jesus reminds listeners that hundreds of years before it had been revealed that there would be people who wouldn't use their ears to listen. It speaks to people who are caught up in the rut of earthly living, overwhelmed by the challenges and fears of life, and being tangled up in other priorities that keep us from the most important priority - connecting with God. Of course, there's not enough space in this column to fully study it together. But, I suggest you take time to read it, which is a form of listening.

If we take time to pray, is it a two-way conversation? Is there equal airtime with talking and listening? Or, does one of us do more of the talking?

I know that people on CB radios always seemed to talk and listen in equal proportions. If I am in a conversation with another person, and don't take the time to listen as much as I talk (I confess to this one), I walk away knowing that I have not gained as much as I could have from the other as well as not having connected myself with them as much as possible. Don't we all love a good listener, who gives us eye contact, and focuses their attention on us? The Bible often talks about God turning toward us, having His eye upon us.

For those who may not be believers, or count themselves as believers but don't invest the time, what if there is someone out there who's got their ears on? And maybe they are wondering if we have our ears on? My answer is why not take a moment or two, and just listen. A proper pastor might recommend saying something like, "God, if you're out there I'd like to connect with you and have a conversation with you."

Me, I'm not so proper. First of all, I'd suggest saying whatever comes to your mind. We have a wonderful God who will respond to us where we are. We can even ask, "Is there anybody out there who's got their ears on?" However, I might have to suggest that we be prepared for an answer, or question in return something like, "Let the person who has ears to hear, use them."

The Rev. Bill Baltz of Christ Presbyterian Church is a member of the Carson Valley Ministers' Association.


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