Gardnerville fifth-graders observe 9-11

Since the terrorist attacks on American soil in 2001, Gardnerville Elementary School fifth-grade teacher Robbie Jacobsen has been joining with other fifth-grade classes to honor the lives lost during that tragic day and to celebrate American pride.

"We've been doing this every year since the morning of the attacks," Jacobsen said. "On the day the attacks happened, we went out that afternoon."

Last Thursday, the seventh anniversary of the tragedy, was no different.

In the morning, Jacobsen had her students recite the Pledge of Allegiance and the Governor's 9-11 message. Children with family members active in the military, police or fire departments were ushered to the front of the class and recognized for the sacrifices their families have made.

"We need to honor the lives lost so innocently on that day," Jacobsen said. "But I also want my students to know that Americans stand up for each other, that they come together in moments of crisis."

In the afternoon, about 80 fifth-graders marched from Gardnerville Elementary to the sidewalk along Highway 395.

They waved American flags at passing cars and sang "God Bless America."

The teachers had purchased the miniature flags with their own money to ensure each student would have one.

Jacobsen said the demonstration taught students about patriotism.

"Even at a young age, they realize what it is to be an American," she said. "It's not only about the rights we have, but about the responsibility that goes along with those rights."


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