Let all come to worship

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by Eric Borchers

Special to The R-C

"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."

With these words Jesus reminds us the importance of teaching our children about His love for them, and for us who are God's children, regardless of our age, to continue to receive Him as He comes to us in His word and Sacraments.

Just as we are responsible for the care and safety of our children " teaching them to brush their teeth and to hold our hands in the parking lot, just as we are responsible for monitoring who they are hanging out with, that they are doing homework and driving the car according to ttraffic laws " so God has entrusted us with the responsibility of making sure our children have the opportunity to receive Him as their Lord and Savior.

They are never too young to hear how Jesus lived, died and rose again to forgive them for their sins and win for them eternal life. They are never too young to hear how Jesus is always with them no matter what happens and that nothing can separate them from God's love in Jesus Christ. They are never too young to go to church " even if they cry and wiggle and drop their crayons sometimes. They are never too young or too "cool" to be in Sunday school. They are never too young to make relationships with other children of God and with other Christian adults whom God has placed in the church to help teach and nurture them in His love.

They are never too young, and you are never too old, to learn and know the deep and lasting truths of God. And that is why Jesus says, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them."

As a family of God, we are entrusted with the responsibility of teaching our children that God loves them. Whether or not you have children, whether married or single, just graduating college or have been retired for years, let the words of Joshua be in your hearts and mind: "As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord."

We can do this in our behavior and attitudes, by setting godly expectations and creating a culture of Christian learning:

n Model God's love for children. Tell and show them you love them.

n Model an appreciation for God's worship. Require your children's presence in worship and Sunday school.

n Get to know the children and their parents who sit around you in worship.

n Tell children how proud you are of them and how much you enjoy their presence in church.

n Teach them at home how to pray.

n Talk to them about their Sunday school lessons, the sermon or a favorite song or hymn.

n Celebrate their baptismal birthdays.

May God bless your family as we transition into fall and on into eternity as we let our little children come to Him " as we come to Him knowing how He comes to us " in His love by His word and Sacraments in worship, in Sunday School, and in our homes, as we read our Bibles and talk to our families.

n Eric Borchers is pastor at Trinity Lutheran Churchin Gardnerville.


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