Introduce children to God

I spoke to a young Christian mother who told me she didn't want to "push" her faith on her children. To tell you the truth, her comment caught me off guard. "Pushing her faith" may be something that she did not want to do but raising her children in the ways of God is something God tells her to do.

Proverbs 22:6: "Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it."

Raising children in the ways of God is a responsibility that God places directly on parents. If your faith is true saving faith, you must share it with others, especially your own children. The Bible commends parents and grandparents to tell their children about God. To speak to them about the wonders of God and all he has done. How he delivered Israel time and again. How in love, he sent Jesus to atone for sin. How those who trust him are born of the Spirit, become his children and are made right with God. These are the responsibilities God has given to parents.

Once a group of parents brought their children to Jesus but his followers tried to keep them away. The parents wanted Jesus to "bless" the children, but the Apostles thought time could be better spent on adults - as they are chasing off the kids, Jesus stops them saying.

Matthew 19:14-15: "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

When he had placed his hands on them, he went on from there.

When the Apostles thought there were more important people to "minister" to, Jesus said, "God's kingdom belongs to the children."

The kingdom is about humility, and coming to God by faith. For that mom who in sincerity didn't want to "push" her faith on her kids, I would say: "Don't, but do take them to Jesus, and let him bless them."

Notice Jesus only moved on after he blessed the children. Which reminds us of what he once said.

John 6:37: "Whoever comes to me I will never drive away."

Jesus never tossed anyone to the side who sincerely came to him. Nor did he ever lay a guilt trip on someone who was seeking after him.

If you're a believing parent or grandparent, bring your children to the Master's feet, take those precious little ones to the place they will be blessed, take them to the Lord. How do we do that practically?

n Read them the Bible.

n Take every opportunity to teach them the foundations of our faith.

n Take them to church. Church is where we worship God and grow in our knowledge of God.

n Or, take them to vacation Bible school. It's that time of year, and many local churches are offering VBS programs for the children of our community.

n Take them to summer camp. Many adults I know had their first real experience with God at church camp.

Summer for young people can be a time to lounge around and play video games or time to set a foundation of faith that could blossom into a true relationship with God.

n Rich Lammay is pastor at High Sierra Fellowship.


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