We've caught the reading bug, thanks to the library

Kudos to the Douglas County Public Library. They sure have added a lot of fun to our summer this year. Since June, we've enjoyed participating in the 10 a.m. story time under the trees at Lampe Park on Wednesdays. How convenient it's held on the same day as the farmer's market. Miss Carol always plans fun and interesting themes and it's a treat to watch all the kids right up front on their blankets, completely enraptured as she reads.

We've also been participating in the Catch the Reading Bug summer reading program. I enjoy reading to both of my boys and though it is most often a bedtime ritual for us, their interest has been piqued by the variety and volume of books we've been selecting. Four-year-old Sam loves to hear stories about other kids, and 16-month-old Max's current favorite book is all about transportation. He loves to carry it around, pointing to the picture of the fire engines and squealing "woo woo woo" like a siren. It's so exciting for the boys to go to the library for new books and to collect prizes for their summer reading.

The children's program runs through Saturday, while sign-ups for the teen program are extended through Aug. 16. All you need to do is fill out a registration form at the library and start reading. Everyone who completes their reading log by Aug. 31 is eligible to win some great raffle prizes, which will be drawn the week following Labor Day.

Last Thursday's presentation of Nature's Critters at Minden Park was a treat. Host Julie Allen was hilarious and the audience was enthralled by the unique and exciting creatures she shared. Sam was fascinated by the giant millipedes and large, hairy tarantula that Allen presented. I was impressed by the composure of the kids who volunteered to help showcase many of the other critters, which included lizards, hissing cockroaches and even a hedgehog.

In spite of the recent budget limitations, the staff at the library continues to do an incredible job. Their hard work and dedication are helping to instill a love of reading for so many children, and they deserve to be recognized for their commitment to our community. Thank you, Douglas County Public Library!

Those incredible invertebrates

Speaking of tarantulas, did you know that today, Aug. 8, 2008, is Worldwide Tarantula Day? What a clever date to hold such an observation. This annual event was created by tarantula keepers and is dedicated to the celebration and education about tarantulas and other invertebrates.

In addition to providing tarantula lovers an opportunity to throw a party for their eight-legged friends, Worldwide Tarantula Day seminars and meetings will be presented today at places such as schools and zoos.

For more information and photos of tarantulas, check out the Worldwide Tarantula Day Web site at www.eighteight.org, named as such because according to their site, "eight legs are better than four."

Preschooler Q & A

The other day my son Sam and I were chatting over ice cream cones when he suddenly frowned and asked, "Mommy, when is pomegranate season?"

"It's in the fall," I said, a bit surprised that he remembered a favorite seasonal treat from last year.

Sam thought about this for a minute and then his face lit up. "Just like apple season!" he said.

"That's correct," I said, pleased that he had made this connection all on his own.

After a few moments and several more bites of ice cream he looked at me with wide eyes and asked, "Mommy, when is cookie season?"

n Amy Roby can be reached at ranchosroundup@hotmail.com


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