Genoa Court House Museum has newdisplays

Where has this summer gone? In less than two weeks the kids are back in school. I'm glad the heat is over, but I sure don't want to see the end of the farmers markets and all that fresh produce.

Speaking of kids starting school, have you taken your kids to the Genoa Court House Museum yet? The volunteers have done so much to improve it this past year. And, the gift shop features the best ideas.

They have birch bark containers from basket size on up which are handmade in Michigan. There are all kinds of food items from Virginia City, such as salsa, barbecue sauce and soup mixes. There is sagebrush soap from Gardnerville and Douglas County High School logo soap.

There are small pine needle baskets hand-woven by Brenda Frank, wooden bowls inlaid with semiprecious stones made by Bill Broderson and pottery by Francis Rider of Lake Tahoe Community College. There are unusual birdhouses, made by David Bruce of Phoenix. And Paradise Bird Feed has seed socks for sale.

They feature Southwest Indian silver jewelry from Arizona and New Mexico. They have earrings, rings, necklaces, bracelets and pendants made of semi-precious stones, such as turquoise or lapis, set in sterling silver.

There is a good selection of historically based toys for the little ones. They have books and cards and T-shirts. They also have Pony Express logo shirts, caps and maps.

If you have been to the museum in recent years, you might just recognize this local citizen. Internationally famous Genoa artist Hans Meyer-Kassel's paintings hang in the stairwell. The museum is open daily, 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. from May to October. For more information, call 782-4325.

If you don't have "Curse of the Hanging Tree" tickets, you can buy them at the Genoa museum. The dates of the performance changed, so be sure your tickets are for Sept. 21 or 22. If your tickets aren't, call DCHS at 782-2555 to exchange them. Remember that tickets are limited so get yours early.

Next week I will be announcing a new project in which the whole community can get involved. There will be prizes. I'll let you know all about it next week.

If you have any questions about anything mentioned here, please call the Douglas County Historical Society at the Carson Valley Museum & Cultural Center in Gardnerville at 782-2555 or the Genoa Court House Museum at 782-4325. Visit the Web site at If you have the time, both museums are always looking for interested volunteers.

-- Contact Ellen Caywood by e-mail at or at 790-1565.


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