A warning about shooters

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They came, they ate, they played, they danced, they made new friends and reconnected with old friends, they even hula-hooped. Of course I am talking about the Ruhenstroth Volunteer Fire Department Annual Bar-B-Q (aka our very own neighborhood block party) which was on July 21. The weather cooperated - a cooler day amongst the sweltering days of the week. The fires 'laid down' and friends and family came out to support and thank our volunteers.

There were approximately 450 meals served and lots of door prizes awarded to many of the attendees. Children of all ages participaated in many of the games being played, especially the hula hoop contest. The grand champion of all age groups was 15-year-old K.C. Johnson. Paula Donnatin, 55, was the champion of the over-fifty group. There were several other age group winners that I was unable to locate to get their names and I apologize to them. We congratulate each of the contestants as they are all winners in our eyes.

Former member of the volunteer fire department, Douglas County Commissioner Doug Johnson, and his wife Janice, once again were there to help with cooking and serving the food this year. Commissioner Dave Brady also was on hand to support our department.

Linda and Norbert Monohan, retired members of the Fish Springs Volunteer Fire Department, were also on hand to enjoy the company of old friends and support our department. Be sure to mark Sept. 8 on your calendar to support their department at their annual spaghetti dinner and dance at their facility on Fish Springs Road. They also brought daughter Lisa Welch and her family to our block party. Linda writes the "Fish Springs Flier" and Lisa writes the "Johnson Lane Journal." It was great to see you and we look forward to seeing you in September.

Rick Oliver and Jim Liles of the Ruhenstroth Water Resource Planning Committee were on hand to answer questions from the residents and show maps of the water rights still on record for our area. They are looking into consolidating the owners of the individual rights as one way to recharge the aquifer. Be sure to get your survey into them as soon as possible so they can compile the information and proceed with confronting our water issue. If you did not receive a copy of the survey, check out our neighborhood Web site www.geocities.com/ruhenstrothwater where you can download a copy to complete and mail back to the committee.

To the many businesses and people in the community who either donate or discount many of the items for the event as well as to all of those who attend the annual barbecue, we thank you for your support and appreciate everything you do to make the event a success.

Last week our neighbors found a dead deer in their back yard that had been shot in the belly. We have lived here 10 years and have never seen deer in our corner of the neighborhood. The man who took the carcass away said that a deer can run several miles when gut-shot before it dies. What a horrible thought.

Just as scary a thought is that we hear the shooters in the open area between Settelmeyer's rock pit and the fairgrounds target practicing all the time. My concern is that either someone deliberately shot the deer or that a stray bullet got it. Remember a bullet will not stop until it hits something - dirt, deer, target, child, car, anything that gets in its path. My neighbor was walking her dog and a bullet flew past her ear - a few inches and she would not be here. Be careful and be aware.

Have a ramblin' good week!

n To reach Gail Davis, e-mail RuhenstrothRamblings@yahoo.com or call 265-1947.


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