Scholarship applications sought

Sierra Nevada Republican Women is accepting applications for the Jo Marshall Scholarship. The applicant must be female, a Nevada resident and a registered Republican.

She must be attending or be accepted to attend a Nevada college or university. In 2001, the Jo Marshall Memorial Scholarship was created and funded by the Regents Program of the Nevada Federation of Republican Women.

Two first place students, one from Northern Nevada and one from Southern Nevada, will be awarded $1,000 on a one-time only basis.

A second place one-time award in the amount of $500 each will be awarded to two honorable mention winners, again one from the north and one from the south.

A fifth award will be made to an applicant (from either the north or south) as a one-time award in the amount of $500 and the committee is permitted to exercise discretion regarding this applicant's academic criteria.

Applicants must have a minimum 3.3 GPA and must have carried 12 credit/hours during the last semester of school, whether high school or college. Grades and/or hours cannot be combined from two different sessions of school (i.e., a spring semester and summer school combined to apply for a fall award).

If interested in applying and for application information please contact SNRW scholarship chair, Nancy Jarvis, 267-6937.

The deadline for all items (application, two letters of recommendation, a statement of personal goals and most recent transcript) to be received by the SNRW scholarship chairman for consideration is no later than July 15.


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