Carson River photograph inspires artists

Everyone sees the world around us in a different way. Just to prove the theory, 22 Nevada Artists Association members created 28 images from the same photograph of the Carson River in the fall. Their efforts are being showcased on the back wall of the Brewery Arts Center Gallery , 449 West King St. in Carson City. The gallery is open daily except Sunday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and the show will run until Aug. 11.

The art will be on display at The Record-Courier from the week of Aug. 14 through Sept. 1. A reception is being planned during this time - watch The Record-Courier for the date.

The object of the show is to showcase the different styles of the artists participating. It is quite obvious that their styles vary a great deal.

"Several years ago I saw an article with pictures about a show where artists all painted the same still life," Brewery Arts Center Gallery Director Dorinne Sadileck said. "Those artists were allowed to use whatever drape or background they chose which our artists could not do since they were given a landscape to paint. Our artists were allowed to use "artistic license," and whatever medium they preferred."

"Artistic license allows the artist to change the piece as their mood dictates. Perhaps adding a tree that is not there, painting a green tree another color, or adding a building or animal that is not there," Sadileck said. "If these changes enhance the painting it can become much more dynamic."

Eight Minden artists, Sabina Bye, Nancy Clarke, Anne Armijo, Renee Ekleberry, Mary Sandhagen, Linda Townsend, Carolyn Denning and Helen Fanning created their versions of the photo. Gardnerville artists who participated include: Ric Rose, Nancy Kilburg, Mechele Johnson and Pam Brekas. Markleeville resident Evelyn Yonker contributed her version as did Carson City artists: Santiago Chavez, Ray Freeman, Cecylic Okreglak, Alicia Kittess, Susan Schroeder, Ralph Phillips, and Dorrine Sadilek. Dayton artists include Patt Skinner and JoAnn Wood.

The artists created their work in pastel, colored pencil, watercolor, acrylic, oil, mixed media, digital photography and photomosaics. Each artist brought a unique and personal look to the scene.

For more information about this show or information about any of the participating artists contact the Brewery Arts Center Gallery at 883-1976.

n Jonni Hill can be reached at or 782-5121, ext. 213.


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