Lynn EnEarl, Republican Douglas County Public Administrator

Hometown: Minden since 1977

Contact information: 721-1679

Incumbency: Elected in 1999. Took office in 2000

Record of Service: I have been the elected Public Administrator for the residents of Douglas County for the past seven years. I was the deputy public administrator for the three previous years. I have been the appointed Public Guardian since 1999.

Honors: Appointed by the Douglas County Board of Commissioners to the position of Public Administrator in 1998. Appointed by the Douglas County Board of Commissioners to the position of Public Guardian in 1999.

Education: Graduated from Katella High School, Anaheim, Calif. Continuing education: Classes for Real Estate management. Participated in numerous Public Administrator conferences and workshops.

Platform: When someone dies without a will, as your Public Administrator it is my responsibility to administer the deceased person's estate. This can be a complicated process that typically involves many steps. The process begins with a detailed inventory of the estate and concludes with a final accounting to the District Court to complete the estate settlement. Closing an estate may require up to five court appearances.

Since first being appointed Public Administrator by the Douglas County Board of Commissioners in 1998 (and being elected to the position in 1999), I have administered more than 53 estates. I understand the many laws governing estate disbursement and administration and have performed my responsibilities competently and professionally. I know how to establish priorities and ensure that the requisite paperwork gets completed correctly and on time.

Compassion and caring are essential in my role as Public Administrator. For the decedent's family, closing an estate can be an emotionally difficult process. I assist families in understanding probate and am able to guide them through the legal steps required to close the estate.

In 1999, the county commissioners appointed me to serve also as Public Guardian. I have served as guardian for more than 40 Douglas County residents.

My family and I have been residents of Douglas County for more than 29 years. We have twin daughters and three grandchildren. I have been actively involved in the community for many years.

I am dedicated to performing the duties of Public Administrator and Public Guardian at the highest level. I ask for your support and your vote.


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