For cleaning service details matter

Fifth-generation Valley resident Cristy Menzer said paying attention to detail is the only way she knows how to run her cleaning service, Get er' Done.

"People can't believe the detail we pay attention to," said Menzer. "I'm very detailed. If I was paying someone to do a job for me, I would expect it to be perfect."

Get er' Done Cleaning Services specializes in new construction and remodel clean-up, rental and sale properties and windows. Menzer has done trash hauling and worked with a roofing company.

She said that 24-hour notice is acceptable, but the more notice, the better.

"We've been called on urgent stuff, like when the flooding happened in Reno," she said. "We took care of a house where the water was 2 feet up inside."

Menzer is the mother of 9-year-old Mitchell and 2-year-old Anthony.

"Having my own business allows me to be flexible with my kids," she said. "When you're locked into a job and not working for yourself, that's hard to do."

Menzer's adaptability is helpful in her cleaning business.

"I want to be flexible," she said. "It allows me to be there for contractors."

Menzer said she carries her own general liability and workman's compensation. She has one employee, Rosa Hoyt.

"Rosa is a great employee," said Menzer. "I don't have to come back to re-do anything. She works just like I do."

Get er' Done's customers have been impressed with the work Menzer and Hoyt have done.

"They've said, 'You just don't see people get down on their hands and knees,'" said Menzer. "And we get compliments on our positive attitudes. We do prominently heavy, deep cleaning, rather than just hit it with a feather duster. I let my work speak for itself."

Get er' Done Cleaning Services is open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Information at 265-7908 or 721-1500.

What: Get 'er Done Cleaning Services

Who: Cristy Menzer

When: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday

Info: 265-7908 or 721-1500


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