Women's society meeting scheduled

The St. Gall Women's Society regular monthly meeting will be 7 p.m., Tuesday. The guest speaker will be Rosemary Nebesky of La-Tea-Da Tea Shoppe, at 108 W. Telegraph St., Carson City.

To prepare for the upcoming fundraiser, the "Best of Yesterday" High Tea, she will speak about the history, enjoyment and serving of tea. Nebesky will share ideas for table settings.

All the committees working on the event will be present to discuss how they are doing in planning, organizing, donations, ticket sales and publicity for the new High Tea fundraiser. Anyone interested in the event is invited to attend this meeting.

The first annual "Best of Yesterday" High Tea will take place 1 p.m. March 4, at St. Gall Catholic Church Pastoral Center. Cost is $20 per person.

For tickets, call Lesley Solt 265-5719 or Carol Morissette 267-9324.

For information, contact chairs Carol Bennis 265-2231 or Nancy Rubino 266-3637.


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