Disappearing socks, and baby chicks

When I was growing up we were raised with practical gifts. My children have always opened presents at Christmas and birthdays that included new socks and underwear. My daughter got at least a dozen pairs of socks this last Christmas because she has grown so much recently. She now has a drawer with 20 single socks in it. Can it be true that in the last three months my old-fashioned washing machine has eaten that many of her little socks?

My girlfriend was visiting from San Diego and needed to wash a load of clothes. When she was all done, she was missing one sock. She claims my washing machine filled up with water and the sock slipped up over the drum and is down below between the drum and the wall of the machine where I can't reach. I have never heard of such a thing, but she insisted. I went into the laundry room and messed with the drum a little. It felt like something could be in the sidewalls. Funny how we never lose our underwear. I have seen these fancy new washing machines that claim to be more energy efficient, use less water, and because they are front loaders, they are totally cool. I have been told they do not eat socks. It might be time to consider replacing our old washer.

n On a personal note, my son Garrett has been home on leave from the U.S. Navy for the past four weeks. He has had a wonderful time getting together with old friends and new ones. While at home he took up snowboarding, and he loved it. Garrett flew out of Sacramento late Sunday night, heading to Norfolk, Virginia. He was to report to the USS George Washington aircraft carrier by Monday.

Last week he put in a call to the ship to find out where to report. The gentleman answering the phone said to come as soon as he lands Monday with two weeks worth of white T-shirts and shorts because the boat is leaving on Tuesday. Wow, I hope he is not delayed at the airport. It would be a long swim out to the boat.

n Piñon Hills Elementary School: Congratulations to Mrs. Sullivan and Mrs. Tollman's kindergarten classes. They hatched nine baby chicks last week. The children were so excited to witness them breaking out of their little shells and drying off to become cute little fluff balls.

n Lisa Welch is a Johnson Lane resident and can be reached at 267-9350.


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