Saturday protests in San Francisco, New York and Carson

A Saturday protest at Nevada's Capitol against the looming war with Iraq will be held in conjunction with similar gatherings around the nation and world. Hundreds of thousands of Americans are expected to rally at a national "Convergence on the White House" as well as at parallel demonstrations in San Francisco, Los Angeles and New York City.

Organizers expect between 500 and 1,000 war protesters in Carson City.

"We want to send a strong message to the Bush administration that Americans do not support a war with Iraq," said Jill Ransom of the Reno Anti-War Coalition.

Saturday's protest, from noon to 1:30 p.m., will include speakers on a raised podium, banners, music and an information table.

Taking part in the Carson gathering are members of the local Voices for Peace, Douglas County Citizens for Peace, Tahoe Action for Peace, Reno Anti-War Coalition, Sierra Interfaith Action for Peace and Reno's Patriots for Peace.

Demonstrators are expected from as far as Las Vegas.

Ransom, a registered nurse from Reno, said her group formed in November.

"We came together when we saw the direction the Bush administration was leading this country despite world opinion," she said.

Jerry Joldersma, a Gardnerville man who also plans to attend, said world opinion is a key factor in his opposition to the possible war with Iraq. He belongs to the Citizens Forum, also called the Douglas County Citizens for Peace, which was formed after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

"The question is why are the people of the world almost unanimously against this war?" he said. "I think the people have spoken pretty clearly. It's not just one small group of people in Washington we should be listening to."


What: Convergence on the Capitol

When: noon to 1:30 p.m. Saturday

Where: Nevada Capitol grounds, Carson City


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