Carson a test site for pouched mail

With the U.S. Postal Service the mail is always in the bag.

Starting today, about 18,000 Carson residents will find their mail in its own bag.

Carson City was selected as a test site for pouched mail in recyclable plastic bags. The bags have "Today's Mail" emblazoned on one side and advertisements on the other.

Residents will receive mail grouped in one bag rather than as loose mail. Carson Postmaster Doug Hval said the postal service test is to see if carriers could save time by delivering mail in a pouch.

"I think it's pretty significant that Carson City is the only city in the nation exploring this type of testing," Hval said. "This concept has a lot of promise." The cost savings on the street could be significant. Mail carriers have multiple pieces they have to sort through, but with this test, they will have one prepackaged pouch.

"We're always looking for more alternative ways of delivery to be as cost efficient as we can be."

Recycling centers for the bags will be set up at local postal facilities, both Albertson's stores and Kmart.

Residents in the 89706 and 89704 zip codes will not participate in the 90-day test. Residents in the 89701, 89703 and 89705 codes will receive pouched mail. For the first week, mail may arrive a bit later than usual as carriers adjust to the new system.

Hval said Postal Service officials would monitor the program in Carson City before deciding to use the program nationally.

"It's exciting to be part of the process that will provide better service for our customers," Hval said.


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