

Parenting a child on the Autism spectrum

Year after year, as a parent of a child on the Autism spectrum, I find myself celebrating victories and reflecting on the challenges we've encountered. Watching my son transition into a young man prompts me to contemplate how the world will embrace him. As Brody finishes out his first year at Aspire High School, I reflect on his journey with hope that sharing our story with help others that may be on a similar path. I also can’t express enough gratitude to those who have been instrumental along his path.

Mail processing plan should be scrapped

President Ronald Reagan expressed what many Americans felt in 1986 when he said in a speech, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'” The horror of those words spoken by the 40th president have resonated with Americans for decades, and lately, now with a proposal to shift the U.S. Postal Services processing operations from Reno to Sacramento.