

Early Douglas voter turnout riding a rocket

As of Friday night, voter turnout in Douglas County is one of the highest in the state at 39.3 percent.

Update: Trump Campaign cancels Minden rally

On Wednesday, Douglas County reported that the Trump 47 Committee Inc. has officially announced that it will be withdrawing its application for a permit to host a campaign rally at Minden-Tahoe Airport.

Justice campaign finances come in at $52,000

Despite the first instance where both of Douglas County’s justice of the peace seats are contested in the 21st Century, campaign financing isn’t anywhere near where it was for 2018, which topped $80,000.

Record-Courier Election Guide

A guide to the 2024 General Election

School board race finances half 2022’s record

School board candidates raised slightly more than half of 2022’s record $70,000 in donations, according to contribution and expense reports filed with the Nevada Secretary of State by Tuesday.

Update: Judge rules county commissioner candidate ineligible

In what could be one of the quickest turnarounds for a Nevada Supreme Court case in recent history, justices ordered a new hearing in the county’s effort to remove Jason Garrett Gibson from the ballot.

Election begins as ballots arrive in the mail

Ballots went out to all 41,611 active voters in Douglas County on Thursday, signaling the start of the 2024 General Election.

Vandals interfering with campaign signs

East Fork Justice of the Peace candidate Jeff Schemenauer said someone took one of the magnetic campaign signs off his pickup truck while he was at last week’s Wind Down Wednesday at Heritage Park.

Ballot questions to kick off Oct. 9 Town Hall

For the 22nd year, the Oct. 9 Town Hall Debate will feature presentations on the questions on the general election ballot, school board and Justice of the Peace candidates.

Mailer from state elections officer raises concerns

It’s not a ballot, but according to Clerk-Treasurer Amy Burgans, it’s generating a lot of concern among Douglas County voters.

Commission candidate released from custody

A Douglas County commissioner candidate was released from custody on Tuesday after promising he would seek treatment.

Voter audit swells inactive ranks

After an audit and cleanup of the voter rolls, the total number of inactive voters has nearly doubled since the end of May.

Judge upholds VHR ban north of Cave Rock

Ruling determines county commissioners heard substantial evidence in challenge to vacation home rental ordinance change

Candidate faces removal from ballot

Jason Garrett Gibson, who filed as a Democrat in March, is having his candidacy challenged because he changed his registration to the Natural Law Party in July, the county said in a lawsuit filed Aug. 5.

Douglas clerk announces work on voter rolls

Nearly three quarters of Douglas County voters who didn’t respond to a confirmation card were moved from active to inactive status, according to Douglas County Clerk-Treasurer Amy Burgans.