Spring forward at the Gardening Forum

Craig Witt greets the sun on the last day of winter 2022 at the Spring Gardening Forum in Gardnerville Station.

Craig Witt greets the sun on the last day of winter 2022 at the Spring Gardening Forum in Gardnerville Station.
Photo by Kurt Hildebrand.

Here we are several days into Daylight Saving Time, and I’m still trying to play catch up. Though I appreciate and enjoy the “extra” hour of daylight, it always takes me a few weeks to fully adjust my internal clock to the shift each spring and fall.

It’s easier to take heart knowing that the change in season is upon us. To celebrate the arrival of spring next week, Main Street Gardnerville and the Heritage Park Gardens Committee are hosting their annual Spring Gardening Forum on March 23 at the Gardnerville Station, 1395 Main St., in Gardnerville. Admission is free.

The event takes place from 10 a.m. - noon and is intended to provide both Carson Valley newcomers and local, longstanding gardeners with tips and tricks on how to have the greatest success growing flowers and vegetables in our area. Information about the community gardens and upcoming gardening workshops will be discussed, and information about local area contacts who can assist with growing-related inquiries will be provided.

Featured speakers include HPG members Carol Sandmeier and Cathy Fields, who will present a history of HPG and the benefits of worms in the garden, respectively. Other keynote speakers are Tiffany Jones of Blomma Flower Farm and Craig Witt of Full Circle Compost.

Light refreshments will be served. A raffle will be held and garden goodies will be available for purchase.

“If you’re wanting to get things going for spring or are new to the area and looking for gardening tips, come on out,” said HPG volunteer Donna Werner.

For more information, contact Main Street Gardnerville at 775-782-8027 or Werner at donna54werner@gmail.com..

Kindergarten registration open

Douglas County School District is currently accepting registration for students entering kindergarten this fall. Nevada School Law states that a child must be five years old by Aug. 1, 2024, to attend kindergarten during the 2024-2025 school year.

The kindergarten registration process is initiated online at dcsd.net/kinder. It’s helpful to have the following information on hand when starting registration: household address and phone numbers, parent information including mobile and work numbers, student information including demographics and health/medical information, and emergency contacts. The registration webpage has a school zone finder tool to help determine which school a child should attend.

Once the online portion is confirmed, the following documents must be provided to the school to complete the registration: original birth certificate or other suitable documentation of the child’s identity, proof of residency (checklist available on the registration page), and complete and up-to-date vaccination record or exemption form (also available on the registration page).

Early registration is encouraged to help secure each child’s spot and supports school efforts to ensure the best educational experience for all students and their families. Late registrants might need to be placed in a neighboring overflow school, depending on space availability.

Call the DCSD Online Registration Contact number at 775-392-1470 with any questions or for more information.

Amy Roby can be reached at ranchosroundup@hotmail.com.


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