Douglas High girls basketball

Douglas girls hoops takes ahold of second spot in 4A North

Douglas High’s Hailee Koontz works for a shot in the paint against a Spanish Springs defender Saturday. Koontz posted a game-high 14 points in the win as the Tigers took over second place in the Class 4A North league standings.

Douglas High’s Hailee Koontz works for a shot in the paint against a Spanish Springs defender Saturday. Koontz posted a game-high 14 points in the win as the Tigers took over second place in the Class 4A North league standings.
Photo by Ron Harpin.

The Douglas High School girls basketball team took care of business on its home floor Saturday, besting Spanish Springs, 51-40.

The win gives the Tigers (5-1) a game advantage of the Cougars (4-2) for the second place spot in the Class 4A North league standings.

Hailee Koontz had a quality performance for Douglas, posting a game-high 14 points in the win.

“It felt like we clicked as a team,” said Koontz. “When we are clicking our bigs and our guards have good passes.”

The Tigers’ defense was the key in the fourth quarter, limiting Spanish Springs to five points over the final eight minutes.

“I think we are really good defenders,” said Koontz. “You do what you can control. If your shots don’t fall, that’s OK. Work hard and get back on defense.”

Up 43-40 in the fourth quarter, Koontz was able to get her second and-one opportunity of the game and push the Tigers’ lead to six.

From there, Douglas sealed it at the free throw line.

Zora Simpson finished the afternoon with nine points while McKenzie Main had seven.

UP NEXT: Douglas (10-5, 5-1) will travel to Carson (5-10, 0-6) Friday night for the first installment of The Rivalry on the hardwood this winter.


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