Members of the Douglas County Sheriff's Mounted Posse at the intersection of highways 395 and 88 on Monday morning in memory of the 9/11 attacks.
Photo by Kurt Hildebrand.
Members of the Douglas County Sheriff's Mounted Posse marked the 22nd anniversary of the 9/11 attacks at the intersection of highways 395 and 88 on Monday morning.
Communities across Western Nevada are marking the date when a terrorist attack resulted in the deaths of more than 3,000 people in New York City, at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., and aboard United flight 93 that crashed in a Pennsylvania field.
Flags in Nevada will be lowered to half-staff on Monday in honor of Patriot Day.
The Carson City Christian Ministerial Fellowship is inviting the community to gather at Mills Park on Monday at 6 p.m. and to reflect on the worst act of terrorism in the United States.
The Day of Remembrance will be conducted at the city’s 9/11 Memorial Site near the entrance of the Marv Teixeira Pavilion and the Carson and Mills Park Railroad. Mayor Lori Bagwell, Sheriff Ken Furlong and Fire Chief Sean Slamon will speak.
Speaking for the Carson City Christian Ministerial Fellowship, Pastor Pat Propster said speakers will offer words of encouragement and inspiration. He added that Monday, which was designated as Patriot Day by Congress, also honors and commemorates the lives of those who died in 2001.
Located at the site of Monday’s remembrance is a memorial that contains a piece of steel from the World Trade Center.
At a prior remembrance ceremony, Furlong said, “This beam also represents to me that all of America is made of, from the fallen to the heroes. The blood shed on 9/11 must never be forgotten for once forgotten, we are destined to repeat history.”
Other area 9/11 remembrances:
• Fallon’s 9/11 remembrance ceremony begins Monday at 10 a.m. behind city hall. The area’s first responders and military will attend the ceremony, and Capt. Shane Tanner, commanding officer of Naval Air Station Fallon, is the featured speaker.
In addition to the remembrance ceremony, the San Diego Air & Space Museum is loaning to the city of Fallon a former Port Authority of New York and New Jersey police car that was damaged at ground zero on 9/11. The museum received three Port Authority vehicles, and two were given to other museums in the San Diego area.
The vehicle will be displayed at the Fallon Convention Center, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Sept. 12-15, 18 and 9/11 at Fallon City Hall from 10 a.m. to noon.
• Fernley’s 9/11 remembrance begins at 9 a.m. Monday at the North Lyon County Fire Station on East Maine Street. The Nevada Veterans Coalition will escort the American flag at the annual 9/11 ceremony.