Constitution Day celebrated with bell ringing Sept. 17, 2022, in Gardnerville. The celebration will return to the Carson Valley Museum & Cultural Center on Sept. 17 this year.
Photo by Kurt Hildebrand.
The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution-John C. Fremont Chapter and the Carson Valley Museum and Cultural Center ( host a “Bells Across America” community celebration 11 a.m. Sept. 17. The event takes place at the museum, 1477 Main St., Gardnerville
The celebration occurs at the start of Constitution Week, an annual observance initiated by DAR in 1955 and signed into law by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1956.
Held each September from the 17-23, Constitution Week aims to “emphasize citizens’ responsibilities for protecting and defending the Constitution, inform people that the Constitution is the basis for America’s great heritage and the foundation for our way of life, and encourage the study of the historical events which led to the framing of the Constitution in September 1787” (
During Constitution Week, DAR chapters across the nation hold commemorative Bells Across America events.
“Bells Across America is an annual celebration of the signing of the U.S. Constitution. Participants gather to ring bells, much as the church bells of Philadelphia rang out when the U.S. Constitution was first signed at 4 p.m. on September 17, 1787.”
The local celebration features Keynote Speaker Mike Henningsen and The Sierra Ringers, Carson Valley Methodist Church’s adult bell choir. Sean Cummings will play the bagpipes, and a flag retirement ceremony will be held.
Attendees are welcome to bring their own bells to ring during a ceremony at 1 p.m., and flags and commemorative bells will be available for purchase. Light refreshments will be served.
As part of the festivities, a poster contest open to all ages is being held. Visit the CVMCC to pick up a poster board and a copy of the contest rules and regulations. Local winning posters advance to the NSDAR State competition, and those winners go on to compete in the national level contest. Poster submissions must be returned to the CVMCC no later than September 14; museum hours are Monday - Friday from 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.
This event is free to attend. Though reservations are not required, the favor of an RSVP is requested. Please indicate interest in attending Bells Across America by sending an email to
Amy Roby can be reached at