NV Energy workers replace a power pole along Highway 395 south of Gardnerville on Oct. 26.
Photo by Kurt Hildebrand.
East Fork medics at Station 4 in Topaz Ranch Estates found themselves without power even as a resident was calling for help because the outage affected her oxygen device.
According to NV Energy, 836 customers were affected by the outage, which occurred at 10:06 a.m. As of 10:30 a.m. there was no indication of when power would be restored or a cause of the outage at nvenergy.com
It’s as if sympathetic magic resulted in two power outages in a row after NV Energy announcing the possibility of a 24-hour public safety outage on either side of the Carson Range.
Less than 12 hours after NV Energy canceled the outage watch for Genoa, Glenbrook and Jacks Valley, a vehicle collided with the bottom of a power pole knocking out power to 872 NV Energy customers in Gardnerville.
The collision was first reported at 3 a.m. Thursday and splintered the bottom of the pole at the base.
No one was reported injured in the collision that occurred on Highway 395 near Industrial Way.
The power company responded to the scene and determined the pole had to be replaced, which resulted in the power being shut off around 4:30 a.m., according to nvenergy.com.
Power company spokeswoman Meghin Delaney said electricity was restored around 9:20 a.m.
Then around 5:40 p.m. Friday, NV Energy crews were conducting scheduled maintenance on a circuit and ran into an unexpected problem, which resulted in shutting off the power to around 2,300 customers so they could work on it safely, Delaney said on Monday.
Most people were back up within the hour, but the last 10 customers, mostly in the East Valley, were without power until after midnight.