Douglas County legal - 38669

On 11/16/2023, the Douglas County Board of Commissioners INTRODUCED the following ordinance. 

ORDINANCE: 2023-1626 

TITLE: Ordinance 2023-1626, an amendment to Douglas County Code, Chapter 2.02 County Personnel Regulation, Section 2.02.030-Definitions, deleting compensatory time off from the definition of Hours Worked. 

SUMMARY: An ordinance amending Douglas County Code, Chapter 2.02 County Personnel Regulations, Section 2.02.030-Definitions, deleting compensatory time off from the definition of Hours Worked in subsection (V.). This revision ensures consistency among personnel practices, including those recently negotiated with Douglas County collective bargaining units. 

The 2nd Reading of this Ordinance will be held on 12/7/2023. A copy of this ordinance is on file in the Clerk’s Office for public review. 

Pub Date: November 22, 2023 Ad # 38669


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