Sept. 14, 2022, R-C Letters to the Editor

A Jeep flies the U.S. Flag down Jacks Valley Road on Saturday as part of the Genoa Customs and Classics Car Show in Nevada’s oldest town. Last year’s Caldor Fire postponed the event that saw scores of classic vehicles this year.

A Jeep flies the U.S. Flag down Jacks Valley Road on Saturday as part of the Genoa Customs and Classics Car Show in Nevada’s oldest town. Last year’s Caldor Fire postponed the event that saw scores of classic vehicles this year.
Photo by Kurt Hildebrand.

Not necessarily real Republicans


Even though the Douglas County School Board election is deemed “nonpartisan” there is still an “R” after each contender’s name. In one corner are the Robbe Lehman, Heather Jackson and Roberta Butterfield who are choosing not to interview for the Douglas County Republican Central Committee’s endorsement. As a longtime member of this group, I can tell you that these three candidates are not members nor do they attend meetings, luncheons, fundraisers, etc.etc. Conversely, the other three candidates, Katherine Dickerson, David Burns and Susan Jansen are active members of not only the DRCC, but also other Republican groups besides volunteering at the 395 headquarters, Farmer’s Market booth and you’ll see at upcoming events. But more important, the former three do NOT support the Republican Platform whereas the latter’s do! A platform that is against Critical Race Theory, Social Emotional Learning, the LGBT agenda and Restorative Justice. Which Butterfield, and the incumbents have no problem with. All reasons pointing to falling test scores. So just remember that an “R” after a name does not always mean the candidate is a true Republican. Do your homework.

Virginia Nisse


Vacation rental petition circulating


Douglas County Residents, by signing our online petition you help to protect us, and we help to protect you in the future from having Vacation Home Rentals in single-family homes in the middle of your residentially zoned neighborhoods.

In October the Douglas County Board of Commissioners plan to meet to determine the direction Douglas County will take with regards to how Vacation Home Rentals will be addressed within all of our neighborhoods. This is concerning because the board may vote sometime in the future to expand VHR’s into all of the communities in Douglas County, Nevada.

By signing this petition, all Douglas County residents will be able to protect themselves from these commercial businesses moving into their own neighborhoods.

VHR’s in neighborhoods:

• bring in a daily rotation of strangers to our neighborhoods, thereby exposing our children to danger as well as increased criminal activity. 

• bring in increased unwanted noise at all hours as the renters have parties and events without regard to how they affect the neighborhood’s quality of life.

• bring increased traffic and congestion into our neighborhoods including daily surges beyond the occupancy limits of these neighborhoods.

• bring in daily parking violations by stuffing in more cars than what our neighborhoods can actually sustain causing renters to park along already too narrow roadways or in other neighbors’ driveways (creating daily safety and conflict situations).

• take housing from families, putting our students and teachers under a constant threat of school consolidations and the stress of changes to our educational structures.

The Douglas County Code Enforcement has been inadequate. As Douglas County Constituents, we need to stand up as we have had enough in our neighborhoods.

Douglas County residents support yourselves by supporting us to eliminate VHR’s in single-family homes in residential neighborhoods.

Sign our petition at

Linda Dengler


No dog and cat costumes


The Douglas County School District takes a great deal of pride in reinforcing the values and positive reputation that our community and citizens hold dear. As a district, we maintain a neutral political stance within the community as a matter of policy. Over the past year, DCSD has elected to focus more on the implementation of our work rather than responding to seemingly political attacks on our dedicated staff and district. 

But in order to maintain our ability to enforce neutrality, today we feel the need to respond to recent public comments made with a complete disregard for the truth. A recent statement in a Record-Courier Letter to the Editor read as follows: “I’ve heard Douglas High kids with coping issues have been allowed to attend school as ‘furries’ wearing dog and cat costumes. They are allowed to attend class this way, often making animal sounds and grooming their ‘fur’ to the distraction of the class.”

This statement is categorically false and those who frequent the halls of Douglas High School, be they student, teacher, parent, faculty or friend know well that the above statement has no basis in reality. All faculty at Douglas High and within the district are dedicated to ensuring a healthy and productive learning environment for all students.

We find it alarming that political figures, and a few of their supporters, continue to spread misinformation and misinterpreted information about Douglas County School District. Whether stemming from concern or for political agenda, those public statements not rooted in truth have the power to create fear and division, and our students deserve better. We have worked hard to develop a positive reputation in our community, so it’s extremely disappointing when individuals attempt to disseminate mistruths about our educational programs and the employees who come to work every day with the singular goal of doing what’s best for the students of Douglas County.

Most dialogue around the district and its schools comes from a core desire to ensure our students have the best chance for success, but I caution those who might repeat rumors without confirming their veracity. Open dialog is best, and I welcome individuals to initiate conversations with us that address their concerns about DCSD. 

May this serve as an opportunity for us to demonstrate to our children that adults can do better. As superintendent, I heartily welcome visitors to our schools to see our team’s hard work for themselves.

Keith Lewis

Douglas County School Superintendent


Supporting Lehmann, Jackson, and Butterfield


Just one look at the numerous testimonials on Robbe Lehmann’s campaign website shows why he should be voted for. It includes positive comments of strong support from current and former DCSD principals, teachers, staff, and numerous parents of current and past students. These are the people who worked with him constantly and saw firsthand the quality and dedication he brought to the job over the past years. I also have my own personal experience with Robbe regarding an issue I brought up last year. He was the first of the School Board members to respond to me, both by replying to my email and calling me directly soon after to make sure I got his response. He was kind, thoughtful, and caring. 

Heather Jackson’s first comment that I read was “our school district is in need of unity” and I was immediately interested in her. She happens to represent my area, District 6, after being appointed to the seat in March 2021. Her experience in multiple youth sports, such as Douglas County youth volleyball, AYSO and Little League, gives her a solid background of looking out for what is best for our children. Her kids attended Scarselli where she also served as president of the PTO. She also teaches part time at Sierra Lutheran High School, once more showing her dedication to the education of our valley’s youth. 

Roberta Butterfield was introduced to me by a close friend just prior to this past primary election. Having worked in the counselor’s office at DHS for many years, she knows what our students need to be better prepared during their education. She has vowed to promote parent, school, and community collaboration. Her finance and economics knowledge and experience will be an asset to the board, especially when reviewing and deciding on the school budgets. As an added bonus she currently has school aged children, so she is very aware of the current issues facing our students and parents. 

What we need in our school board is stability, common sense, non-fringe beliefs, a desire to lift up rather than tear down, to search for common ground, and of course continued support for our most in-need children. I feel these 3 candidates provide those qualities. I encourage everyone to do their own research and vote based on the knowledge they gain. 

Amanda Adams 


Voting for Burns, Dickerson and Jansen


I am voting for School Board Candidates Dave Burns, Susan Jansen, and Katherine Dickerson in the upcoming election for School Board. With them we have a chance. Their campaign material and respective bios demonstrate three dedicated individuals who see the rot in the Douglas County School Board and will do their level best to fix it and give us back an even handed, comprehensive educational system.

 It won’t be easy, and they know it, yet all are still willing to go forward on our behalf. They deserve our support.

 My decision to vote for these three fine candidates was easy. On the one hand, I see our present School Board fostering an anti-parent, anti-taxpayer system in which they are masters at the age-old game of hide-the-ball. Our board which is supposed to be responsive to us have adopted an approach where parents and interested parties are told to just sit down, shut up and do as they are told (and oh, of course, keep paying those taxes.) Accountable they are not.

Let’s get the ball rolling. We cannot as a society afford to waste our children’s future. Douglas County is no place for a school board which is fascinated with what the mainstream considers aberrant sexual behavior. Obsession with racial divisiveness only weakens, not strengthens, the student. Every minute of classroom time spent on exploring the virtues of transgenderism, cross-dressing, or drag queenism is another minute spent denying the student a chance to have a better life.

Not everywhere, but certainly here in this county, sufficient common sense remains to tell us that what our present school board has wrought is destructive as well as nonproductive. Help bring an end to it.

 Vote Burns, Jensen and Dickerson. The future is watching.

Maureen Morris


Teachers are not robots


As a clarifying response to Lynn Muzzy’s letter to the editor on Sept. 7, I would like to provide the following: My letter of Aug. 31 did not suggest that the teaching of CRT is proper or improper. I merely stated that it was not taught here in Douglas County. Asking teachers to read a book does not systematically change their beliefs or teaching methods. I reiterate that teachers are not robots. 

They can read multiple books on a number of subjects and I doubt it will have a substantial impact on their teaching style or the curriculum. 

Further, my confusion lay over the correlation between math test scores and the culpability of CRT teachings. I am fairly certain that no amount of CRT doctrine will impact a math test. Even the most woke math teacher would struggle to put cultural context into algebra or geometry lessons. But that is a moot point, because they don’t teach or use CRT doctrine in Douglas County. Lastly, my youngest child graduated from DCHS in June 2022. Mr. Muzzy’s reference to “That was then, this is now.” lacks the context of my very recent experience with Douglas County School District.

John Collins 


Some offensive flags


On Aug. 18, I happened to drive down Rt 395 as vendors were setting up for the Main St Gardnerville’s “Third Thursday Wine Walk”. 

I was taken aback when passing the Anker Center where a booth being set up had 5-6 full sized flags waving in the front proclaiming “Let’s Go Brandon…” the secret message for the President of the United States. 

I was appalled. This is an extremely vulgar, divisive message, and to be the only flag displayed in the front of this pop-up made my anger level rise. What does one tell their elderly parents who ask who Brandon is? 

What do you tell your kids? It reflects both language and an attitude I sure would not want in my house. I contacted Main Street Gardnerville to voice my anger only to find that this is a private vendor, not someone signed up to participate. 

I reached out to Republican Party office, located in that center and was relieved to know this was not their booth. In fact, this is a private vendor given permission by the Anker Center to setup there and sell these flags…someone here to make money promoting vile ad divisive language that further divides our community. 

Candidate flags – go for it- but it is time to be grown-ups and give up the “joke”. Somehow it reminds me of Harold Hill in The Music Man.

Deni Caster


Dark Brandon’s laser focused


Reportedly, Joe Biden’s COVID infection left him with laser superpowers, it turns out “Dark Brandon” has had his laser eyes focused on the people’s business. What, you ask, has Dark Brandon done for me? Let me tell you:

1. passed The American Rescue Plan, a $1.9 trillion coronavirus rescue plan to help our economy recover from the pandemic both economically and public health wise

2. passed a $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure law (Donald Trump promised to do in his 2016 campaign and failed to do as president)

3. signed bipartisan CHIPS and Science Act to amp up US computer chip production in the US

4. signed a health care bill for veterans exposed to toxic burn pits in past wars (promises kept)

5. passed the Inflation Reduction Act, providing tools that seriously attack global warming and lowers prescription drug costs for senior Americans.

6. secured the confirmation of Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court, the first black women justice

7. killed al-Qaida leader Ayman al-Zawahri in Afghanistan by US drone strike, with no other casualties.

8. took historic action to address the gun violence epidemic

9. ended America’s longest war

10. biggest year of job growth in American history (Glenn Kessler of The Washington Post, summarized total job creation by president. 

Starting with Truman, total job creation was about 70.5 million for the seven Democratic presidents and 29.1 for the 6 Republican presidents. 

That’s an average of 164,000 jobs per months for Democratic presidents and 61,000 jobs per month for Republican presidents. The job growth rate for Democratic presidents is 2.4 times faster under Democratic presidents.)

Please remember in November: Maga-Republicans work for Donald Trump, Democrats work for the American people. Vote democratic this fall and take back your reproductive rights, ladies.

Alice Meyer



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